Nigella Seed, light blue (Love in a Mist)
Nigella damascena
Also called Love-in-Mist, Black cumin, Indian coriander and many other names.
Annual. Excellent cut flower in bloom or in seed. This selection has very pale blue to white flowers in summer. Seed pods are unusual and architectural. Lacy foliage. Pollinators love them too.
Sun to very light shade. Reseeds.
Grows 18-24” tall
Direct sow seeds in fall or early spring, plant shallowly, about 1/8” deep. Thin to 6-12” apart.
1 packet
Nigella damascena
Also called Love-in-Mist, Black cumin, Indian coriander and many other names.
Annual. Excellent cut flower in bloom or in seed. This selection has very pale blue to white flowers in summer. Seed pods are unusual and architectural. Lacy foliage. Pollinators love them too.
Sun to very light shade. Reseeds.
Grows 18-24” tall
Direct sow seeds in fall or early spring, plant shallowly, about 1/8” deep. Thin to 6-12” apart.
1 packet
Nigella damascena
Also called Love-in-Mist, Black cumin, Indian coriander and many other names.
Annual. Excellent cut flower in bloom or in seed. This selection has very pale blue to white flowers in summer. Seed pods are unusual and architectural. Lacy foliage. Pollinators love them too.
Sun to very light shade. Reseeds.
Grows 18-24” tall
Direct sow seeds in fall or early spring, plant shallowly, about 1/8” deep. Thin to 6-12” apart.
1 packet